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A stunning big very high-quality genuine Shipibo Icaro Maraca from the Amazon jungle. On one side is carved the Ayahuasca Vine with Chacruna Leaves in the background and on the other is an Arkana Protection Icaro. On the sides is also Arkana protection.


This is a ceremonial tool used to induce trance states and move and clear energy. It is also used as a tool to keep low-vibration entities away. The handle is made from Chonta Wood. This is a very sacred wood used for the making of many ceremonial tools by the native tribes. Chonta Wood brings the power of protection and wards off negative energy. Chonta is considered the tree of life. It is extremely hard and is used for building tools for hunting, defence, and survival. In addition, the fruits and hearts of this palm are highly nutritious and medicinal. The head is Calabaza - a type of pumpkin which is dried. It is extremely hard and durable. And on the inside are Achira seeds from the scared Andes Mountains of Peru.


I work with one of the most respected Shipibo Curanderas in the Amazon who is also my mentor and this maraca has come directly from her with her blessing. By purchasing this beautiful craft, you support these incredible people who truly deserve it for all they do and have done for our beloved Mother Earth for thousands of years. You also support me as I continue on my path helping us remember our true power and divinity. I am grateful! I honour you!

Shipibo Maraca - Big - Ayahuasca, Chacruna & Arkana Protection Icaro

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